Creative Technologies, Inc. announced today that its CFFT-AV (Call for Fire Trainer-Augmented Virtuality) has a new name and expanded focus.? Last year, under contract with the Army?s Orlando-based research organization, the Simulation and Training Technology Center (STTC), CTI developed and delivered the CFFT-AV to the Fires Center of Excellence at Fort Sill Oklahoma.?The program is part of a research program to advance technologies related to training in the virtual environment, integrating simulated military equipment such as weapons, maps, binoculars and others items. CTI delivered a second simulation system to the STTC in July, 2012.

Subsequent to its delivery in Orlando, the program has undergone additional testing, exploring integration with dismounted infantry simulations.??With a new and expanded focus, the system is a wedge to further the use of augmented virtuality in military simulations.

The program is important as it advances blended live and virtual worlds solutions with?ground- breaking technology in?one?of the first DoD systems to successfully integrate physical items with virtual reality for individual and team training.? The system will continue to undergo research and integration with other training programs and technologies at STTC.? As part of its expanded mission, CTI is renaming the CFFT-AV:?Close Air Support Simulation System (CAS3).

CAS3?provides innovative solutions to some of the most difficult training challenges facing our military service members who work close air support functions, and the warfighters who work with those close air support missions. The simulator has an optical see-through head-mounted display that allows users to simultaneously work with physical items (simulated military equipment) while being immersed in a virtual training environment for both initial and currency training.

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